Solution to the problem of using potting adhesive
Jul 18,2023
Customers who frequently use silicone potting compounds will encounter many problems and situations during use, such as non curing of the adhesive, long curing time, and bubbles after curing. Below, HANAST will provide a detailed introduction to the problems and solutions we often encounter during the use of potting adhesive.
1、 The adhesive does not solidify, has low hardness, and has surface adhesion issues
1. Inaccurate or arbitrary weighing: Sometimes, in order to accelerate the curing speed, excessive curing agent is added. In general, the amount of curing agent added should not exceed 5% of the mixing ratio. At the same time, special attention should be paid to whether the mixing ratio is volume ratio or weight ratio, and it should not be mistaken. waterproof sealant for electronics A typical method of picking materials is to place the container on an electronic scale and set it to zero, and then weigh the required resin and curing agent as needed.
2. In the glue with fillers, the main agent was not stirred evenly before mixing. Most resins are added with different additives to meet predetermined requirements, and in most cases, there will be varying degrees of precipitation. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the main agent evenly before extracting the required amount of resin. If the main agent is not stirred evenly or reacts with curing agents and other chemical substances, such as solvents, release agents, oils, or other incompletely cured main agents, this can also affect the curing effect. To ensure uniform mixing, the recommended mixing time for manual mixing is 10-15 minutes. At the same time, pay attention to the mixing force and try not to bring air into the resin.
2、 Curing time too long
If this problem occurs under the premise of accurate proportion and uniform mixing, it is highly likely caused by low curing temperature. One of the characteristics of two-component potting adhesive is that it is greatly affected by temperature. The higher the temperature, the lower the viscosity of the adhesive and the faster the curing speed. Conversely, the lower the temperature, the longer the curing time.
3、 There are bubbles after solidification
If bubbles are found during the use of potting adhesive after solidification, it is usually caused by the gas not escaping or dissipating from the liquid adhesive. The reasons for this situation may be as follows: fast curing time, high viscosity of the colloid, and difficulty for bubbles to overflow from the liquid glue. Preheating the product to be sealed will help with the escape of air. Reduce the curing temperature appropriately to allow enough time for the air to escape.
4、 Uneven curing
If this problem occurs during the use of potting adhesive, it is usually due to uneven mixing, long storage time of adhesive A, and failure to stir or stir evenly before use.