What happens if liquid silicone and curing agent are not stirred evenly?
Feb 02,2024
Liquid silicone is divided into two types, one is a single component and the other is a two-component. Single-component liquid silicone does not require a curing agent to cure directly, but two-component silicone does not. Regardless of the proportion, there will always be a curing agent present inside the two-component silicone.
There are three types of two-component silicone ratios, the first one is 1:1, the second one is 10:1, and the third one is 100:2. The 1:1 ratio is the curing agent contained in the silicone, just mix AB in a 1:1 ratio and stir evenly. But the curing agents 10:1 and 100:2 are separate. What would happen if silicone gel and curing agent were added in proportion, but not completely stirred evenly? Below, Hongtu Silicone will analyze for you:
Scenario 1: There may be a situation where the silicone part is partially cured but not fully cured, which means that some parts of the product are sticky to the hands and some parts are completely cured.
Scenario 2: There is a situation where the surface is dry and the interior is not dry
Scenario 3: If there are transparent particles inside the silicone that cannot be completely cured (this situation occurs because there is a lot of silicone coating, because the original silicone coating is very thick, and the silicone cannot be combined with the curing agent without complete stirring, resulting in the silicone being unable to solidify particles), in any of the above situations, the silicone is considered scrapped and there is no remedial method.
Every time the silicone gel is stirred, the layer of silicone gel that eventually adheres to the walls and bottom of the mixing container can easily become uncured due to insufficient stirring. Therefore, to avoid the situation where the silicone gel does not solidify, it is necessary to stir more.